A poem for dads
A dad is someone that owns the job
of protecting and serving their family,
He is confident and responsible, and ever adaptable,
And is never short of gallantry
To protect and serve can sometimes be challenging,
When things do not work out as planned,
We fail sometimes, and look like swine,
And deserve the occasional reprimand
But know for certain, our hearts are true,
For we try our best to please,
Even when we spill the soup, and don’t clean the poop,
And have to get down on our knees
It’s not a show to make you feel,
We don’t accept our silly mistakes,
On the contrary, you’ll find it’s customary,
For us to not wish to put on the “brakes”
Because you see…we must be confident,
That we can fulfill this role as a man,
For if we doubt, and weakly bow out,
None of you will understand…
That we will feel disposable and useless,
Like a plastic bag of seeds,
That has served its purpose, like an abandoned carcass,
And all that remains are weeds
But we are more than meets the eye,
Like you, we are animated by a soul,
So although we are different and sometimes ignorant,
We are baked like a well-made casserole.
Hmmm enjoy!
by Paul Rodney Turner