Don’t Be Afraid to Speak What You Want

Paul Rodney Turner
3 min readDec 12, 2019


“Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” -Rumi

The author, Paul Rodney Turner

Changing the Programming

We live in a world ruled by cliché and dopamine-triggering social media “truths” in the form of memes. We repeat rather than create. We forward without thinking, and we cling to cognitive dissonance as if our life depended on it.

For the most part, most of us are on auto-pilot, digesting whatever is thrown at us, not questioning the narrative and like a soul-less echo-chamber we repeat back what we heard without conscience.

I am sure you know people like this and hopefully, you dear reader, are not one of them.

The first step in awakening to your full potential is to take control of your life and that includes your mind. We have been programmed from birth to think a certain way. Some of this is even genetically coded, which makes it that much more difficult to change, but believe me, you can even change your genetic coding.

Certainly, using affirmations and controlling your tongue to only speak words that are uplifting, truthful and healing is a step in the right direction, but to really initiate change at a cellular level we have to go deeper into the subconscious.

We also have to take heed of every kind of food we consume and every person we associate with and every sound we expose our mind and body to.

Don’t Speak What You Don’t Want

The opposite is also true. If you don’t want poverty; if you don’t want disease or some other challenging situation, do not “feed” it with confirming sound vibration.

If you happen to find yourself short of money or not feeling well, don’t speak of the challenge as if it is an absolute fact of your reality. Rather, speak of it as something that is temporary, which in fact, it is. You see, nothing remains the same in this world. Things and situations are always in a constant state of flux. Everything ages, erodes, or changes form. Similarly, our material body may at some point in time succumb to disease but soon enough it passes once the body has had a chance to address the issue through the natural healing process.

Or you may find yourself short of cash or even homeless but we all know that if you put enough effort in, there will be a new opportunity to earn money and a bed to sleep on.

So rather than claiming, “I am always broke,” say, “At this time, I may be short on funds but that will not last for long. Soon enough I will have the funds I need.” And then make a concerted effort to rectify your financial situation. In other words, don’t just talk about it (although our words are certainly the “seeds” of creation) but act as well.

The point is to practice speaking what you want and avoid speaking or “feeding” what you don’t want.

EXCERPT from The 7 Maxims for Soul Happiness by Paul Rodney Turner



#speaking #truth #openingup #beyourself #manifesting #manifestation #affirmation #thesecret



Paul Rodney Turner
Paul Rodney Turner

Written by Paul Rodney Turner

Keynote speaker, humanitarian, and former monk. Founder of Food Yoga International and Kindly and the author of 6 books. He co-manages an animal sanctuary.

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